Lunch & Learn

Fromm March to June, PAPA will be hosting a zoom lunch and learn of the following topics. Please register in the links that correspond to the session you would like to attend. Sessions run from 12-1pm. Sessions fees are $20 for members and 25 for non members. Respond back to the email notification to receive your zoom session links
March 12 “Oodles of Noodles: Crafty Ways to Use Pool Noodles” Participants will learn a variety of ways to utilize pool noodles for crafts and other activities. Participants will need to supply their pool noodles for the projects. Dominic
D’Amico ADC/Board Member
April 9th “Volunteers: Why & How” The participants will learn why volunteers are important to any activity department. The participants will learn ideas of how/ where to get volunteers. Sherry Barzak ACC/ADC/Board Member
May 21st MEPAP Instructors Round Table. Meet MEPAP instructors and ask them questions and advise on studying and best practices. Presented by PAPA Board and MEPAP instructors to be announced.
June 11th “What It Takes” A role building activity with 2 audience participation activities. Deedee Pena-Smith NCCAP/NCCDP/ TALA-Texas Assisted Living Association and TX Health and Human Services Alzheimer’s Education Workshop Member, NAAP Member.
The more we learn the more we grow!